Former Georgia Rep. Calvin Smyre to Represent the United States at the United Nations General Assembly

by Omega Network for Action

Former state Rep. Calvin Smyre is embarking on a significant diplomatic journey this month, as he takes on the role of one of the United States’ official delegates to the United Nations General Assembly. In this prestigious position, Smyre will have the opportunity to engage with leaders from nearly 200 nations and contribute to discussions on pressing global issues, ranging from climate change and immigration to the impacts of international conflicts. This article delves into Smyre’s remarkable career, his new role on the world stage, and the significance of his appointment.

A Lifetime of Service:

Calvin Smyre, a dedicated Democrat residing in Columbus, Georgia, boasts an illustrious career in public service. His remarkable tenure in the Georgia House of Representatives spanned an impressive 48 years, making him one of the longest-serving members in the history of the state legislature. Throughout his tenure, Smyre demonstrated a steadfast commitment to his constituents and played a pivotal role in shaping the state’s legislative landscape.

Smyre’s Journey to the United Nations:

Smyre’s journey to the United Nations is not without its twists and turns. Initially, in September 2021, President Biden nominated Smyre to serve as the U.S. ambassador to the Dominican Republic, recognizing his vast experience and diplomatic potential. However, several months later, the president altered his nomination, choosing instead to nominate Smyre for the ambassadorial role in the Bahamas. Unfortunately, the Senate failed to act on either nomination, leaving Smyre’s diplomatic aspirations in limbo.

In January 2023, President Biden reappointed Smyre as the ambassador to the Bahamas, yet the confirmation process remains stalled. Notably, Smyre’s new role as a United Nations delegate does not require Senate confirmation, distinguishing it from permanent, Senate-approved positions within the administration.

The Role of a United Nations Delegate:

Smyre’s appointment as a United Nations delegate signifies a unique and temporary diplomatic opportunity. He will join a select group of five delegates representing the United States, alongside two members of Congress and two other private citizens. This role grants Smyre the privilege to participate in the deliberations of the United Nations General Assembly, the organization’s primary legislative body.

The Importance of the United Nations General Assembly:

The General Assembly is a global forum where leaders from around the world convene to address pressing international issues. This year’s session, set to open officially on Tuesday, will feature “high-level” meetings from September 18-26, during which heads of state and government leaders will deliver crucial speeches. Smyre’s presence as a delegate will provide the United States with a valuable voice in these critical discussions.

A Resounding Applause:

Calvin Smyre’s new role has garnered widespread praise, including from Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. Their connection extends beyond politics, with Smyre having served alongside First Lady Marty Kemp’s father, Bob Argo, in the state legislature. Governor Kemp expressed confidence that Smyre will excel in his position, representing not only Georgia but also the entire nation on the world stage.


Calvin Smyre’s appointment as a United Nations delegate is a testament to his decades of dedicated public service and his unwavering commitment to diplomacy. As he assumes this vital role at the United Nations General Assembly, Smyre will contribute to discussions that shape the course of global affairs, bringing his wealth of experience and perspective to the international stage. His journey from Georgia’s state legislature to the United Nations exemplifies the potential of public servants to make a lasting impact, even on the world’s most prominent diplomatic platform.

Photo Credit: Hyosub Shin/AJC

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