Black Men’s Priorities in the 2024 Election Are Non-Negotiable

by Omega Network for Action

As the 2024 election approaches, Black men find themselves at a crossroads of immense significance. With just 82 days remaining until November 5, and with the nation’s 250th anniversary on the horizon, this moment offers us a rare opportunity—not one rooted in fear or desperation, but in hope and inspiration. It is a chance for Black men to wield their political power to demand that the issues affecting our lives and communities be placed front and center in the national conversation.


On August 15, 2024, our President and Board Chair Dr. David Marion, and a group of historically Black fraternities and their unassociated political action committees gathered to discuss the pivotal role Black men will play in the upcoming election. “Our goal is simple: to ensure that our voices are not just heard, but respected and acted upon by those seeking our votes.”—Marion said.

The stakes could not be higher.  Dr. Marion—along with the chairmen of each of the D9 Political Action Committees—made it clear that if candidates want our support, they must address the key issues that have long plagued our community:

  • Education: The education of our children is the bedrock of our future. Yet, systemic inequities in K-12 education continue to leave Black students at a disadvantage. We need candidates who will commit to closing these gaps and ensuring that every child, regardless of zip code, has access to quality education.
  • Health Care Disparities: The health outcomes for Black men are among the worst in the nation, and this is no accident. From higher rates of chronic diseases to lower life expectancy, our community is suffering. Candidates must prioritize health care reforms that address these disparities, expand access, and improve the quality of care for Black men.
  • Criminal Justice Inequities: The criminal justice system has systematically targeted Black men for generations, leading to mass incarceration and a cycle of poverty and disenfranchisement. We need comprehensive reforms that end these injustices, ensure equal treatment under the law, and restore the rights of those who have been wrongfully impacted.
  • Voting Rights: Our right to vote is under siege, with voter suppression tactics aimed squarely at communities of color. Protecting and expanding voting rights is non-negotiable. Any candidate who seeks our support must be willing to fight against these efforts and ensure that every Black man has an unimpeded path to the ballot box.
  • Workforce Development: Economic opportunity is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, yet Black men continue to face higher unemployment rates and wage gaps. Candidates must present clear, actionable plans to create jobs, provide training, and ensure that Black men can participate fully in the workforce.

“For decades, our fraternities have been at the forefront of voter registration, education, and mobilization. We are proud of this legacy, but we also recognize that the time has come to step beyond nonpartisanship. While our fraternities remain committed to their mission, our political action committees are here to endorse candidates and advocate for policies that directly address the needs of Black men. “

Marion’s message is clear: Black men are not a monolithic voting block that can be taken for granted. Black men’s votes are earned, not given, and they are earned by addressing the issues that matter most to us. “Candidates who want our support must engage with us directly, listen to our concerns, and offer real solutions.”

As we approach November 5, 2024, we stand at a moment of immense potential. The power of the Black male vote is undeniable, and it is time for that power to be recognized and respected. This election is not just about choosing a president or filling congressional seats—it is about shaping the future of our nation and ensuring that it is a future where Black men are valued, protected, and empowered.

In this critical election season, we are here to remind every candidate that Black men are watching, we are organizing, and we will vote for those who truly have our interests at heart. Anything less is simply unacceptable.

Photo Credit: @KrimsonPac | Instagram 

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